Last updated: 08/31/2016
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The government agencies are having struggling in the meeting, pressured budget is caused by tax revenue shortfall, increase in costs spiraling and people’s needs.
Government solutions - which are provided by Ademax with Polycom’s dedicated products will help to further strengthen communication between the government and public. That will help to improve public services, increase the efficiency of the meeting among national organizations.

The Government solution’s Benefits

Global interaction: Conference equipment allow to perform the safety live meeting, high security under government’s regulations for every meeting location, every agencies in anytime.

Deployment and problem solving: The meetings can be held wherever and whenever, that helps agencies to follow on, operate and solve problem immediately.

Increase the accessing and approaching permission: The new cooperative approach will boost the participation of government and stakeholders, allows public to have an access to the better and faster quality service as well as help the organizations meeting - can be easier.

The Global Government model’s Benefit

Developing and controlling the government organizations.

- Boosting the representative agencies and the public to have an effective and convenient communication.
- Improving public services, enhancing meeting efficacy for public agencies in the whole country.
- Improve the state organizations structure activities’ security effectively.
- Increase the functional part’s communication.

Bringing the economic valuable

- Low investment cost, helping to reduce the pressured budget is caused by tax revenue shortfall.
- Achieving more quality and effective with less cost.

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