Bộ chuyển mạch và khuếch đại tín hiệu VP-41

* 4x1 Computer Graphics Video Mechanical Switcher
* Bandwidth − 750MHz (−3dB)
* Mechanical Switcher
* Rack Kit − RK−81X
* Size - Compact Desktop - 2 units can be rack mounted side-by-side in a 1U rack space with the optional RK-81X adapter.
* Audio - N/A

The VP−41 isa high−performance switcher for computer graphics video signals withresolutions up to and exceeding UXGA. It switches any one of four signals to asingle output.

- HighBandwidth - 750MHz (−3dB).

- HDTVCompatible.

- Mechanical(Passive) Switching - No power required.

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Email: marketing@ademax.com.vn
Hotline: 0971 901 666

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